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Telling the stories of real soldiers

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The problem

As part of our vision for the new Army Careers Centres, we wanted to inspire and educate prospective recruits to the wide range of roles and opportunities available to soldiers today. Like the rest of the space, the experience was to present a more human and personable approach to recruitment than the Army had used before.

The solution

We carried out photo and video shoots from our in-house studio. We had conversations with real soldiers, discussing their own experiences – from their decision to join through the the amazing roles that they do now. From dentists to linguists, and helicopter pilots to musicians, we focussed on communicating the breadth of the opportunities available.

The result

The result was a large interactive touchscreen that invited users to get to know the featured soldiers. Tapping on a portrait would reveal information about the role that they hold and play recorded content of themselves talking about why they chose and enjoy that career.