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Global Edge

Building a recruitment site to disrupt the market

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The problem

The Global Edge, a specialist recruitment agency headquartered in the US, approached us looking for a website that would help them stand out from the crowd. They understood that, it was their personal connection with the contractors that made the biggest difference to their decision to use The Global Edge, so how could a new website highlight this personalility and encourage more connections?

The solution

We facilitated an in-person discovery workshop with the team to get the bottom of the brands USP’s, their marketing activities and their sales processes. Through this it became apparent that the number one target for this new website was to create something that users would remember, while highlighting the stories of the real people that make the brand.

The result

We designed a disruptive website that focussed around a central, experiential navigation. Using the brand’s distinctive green as an accent, we paired new typefaces with big quotes from employees and contractors with a softer, more natural shade. Our development team then brought the designs to life, using next.js and a sophisticated digital asset management system to deliver a highly performant website on all devices.