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Bringing joy to the post-pandemic workspace

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The problem

Redrow, the leading premium homebuilder, approached us to help them navigate the post-pandemic world and encourage their team to find the joy in returning to the office. Following both a recent re-brand and the opening of a new Southern Division it seemed the right time to evaluate working practices to create a place that would excite them, unify them, and attract new talent to a revitalised Redrow brand.

The solution

Post-pandemic, Redrow recognised that to tempt employees back into the workplace they must accommodate new demands. The new generation of hybrid workers crave the collaboration and socialisation offered by the office environment. We needed therefore, to consider the creation of an adaptable space which could accommodate a range of different needs from meeting, learning and social events.

The result

Focusing on how people feel and behave at work allowed us to create a concept that elevates wellness by encouraging movement, introducing biophilia, playing with light and colour, and catering for different personality types. We removed traditional barriers to avoid siloed working, enabling staff to be collaborative, positive and productive.