

The welcome honesty of #WombStories

Charlotte Hurd


During the Coronavirus pandemic – we have seen many brands act quickly to offer support. Whether it is a pivot in manufacturing, or empathetic innovation, many have used their assets and resources for good. 

Post pandemic, where should this effort be directed?

Consumers have already begun vetting companies to ensure a brand’s values match their personal beliefs, but they’re also rethinking the motivations behind their purchases, opting for products that support them and their local community.

Bodyform’s progressive new campaign, #WombStories is a great example of a brand taking responsibility to influence change for the better. 

The short film is a far cry from the tennis playing, rollerblading, sky-diving woman and shows instead nuanced depictions of a multitude of lived experiences. 

There is appetite for change amongst consumers and an expectation on brands to get the ball rolling. 

Campaigns like Bodyform’s are a step in the right direction – reducing stigma, encouraging conversation and bringing communities together in a genuine way.

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