

Issue #066

Charlotte Hurd


Welcome to your weekly dose of TooXToo, this week featuring murals to help those with dementia, Audi’s premium take on EV, Google’s AI powered dermatologist and onboarding for motherhood.  

Design for Good… 

To help those suffering from dementia find their way around large housing estates in Singapore, the Alzheimer’s Disease Association (ADA) have created murals on the walls to act as a navigation system. The murals feature images chosen by residents with dementia and all feature familiar, old-fashioned food items. 

Using murals to help navigation is part of a wider effort from ADA to support dementia-inclusive design efforts. Brands and businesses shouldn’t think of disability as an individual problem – it is an identity that one in five people worldwide share 

And as the number of people of identify as disabled grows, the demand for accessible design will only be more important.  

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Audi’s premium take on EV  

With the huge uptake in EV, many brands are unveiling innovation and consideration for a new charging infrastructure. Audi are the latest brand to do so and have recently unveiled their plans for a modular rapid charging station.  

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Audi drivers will be able to reserve charging slots and access an upstairs lounge area while waiting for their car's battery to fill up. Drivers of other brands are welcome to use available bays and access part of the lounge but won't be able to make reservations. The first pilot station will open in Germany in the second half of 2021. 
Instead of viewing EV charging as a necessary evil, Audi is using it to provide a customer experience that adds to the brand's premium appeal.  

One for those who Google their symptoms… 

Google have recently announced an AI powered tool which will be used to help detect skin conditions, based on images uploaded by patients.  

Due to launch later this year, it is the perfect antidote to those who Google their symptoms (Every year, consumers make 10 billion searches relating to skin, nail and hair issues (Google, 2021)). The AI-powered ‘dermatology assist tool’ allows users to take pictures of their skin from different vantage points using a smartphone camera, before answering a series of follow up questions.  

After using AI to match the patient’s symptoms to known ailments, it suggests a list of possible conditions which they can research further, with dermatologist-reviewed information. 

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Onboarding for Motherhood  

Oath Care is a subscription-based app which aims to improve the lives of new mothers.  

The app matches new parents with health care specialists who can help and guide them via groups chats and video calls.  

Mums are grouped into categories based on the stage of their pregnancy or age of their child as well as location and career.  

Short term, the app acts as a community for those getting to grips with becoming parents, but in the long term the vision is to create large data sets which can be used to improve overall health outcomes.  

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