

Brands that ‘cosy-fy’ their space

Megan Hotson


Consumers are now inspired by a moderate, comfortable, and sustainable way of living and working. Translating this aptly into the retail and office context means creating an open space. One that features comfortable furnishings, conscious design, and colours that engender a warm or fuzzy feeling. Enshrining a retail environment with elements that make it feel more like home, or a space to socialise, makes the environment a destination- not just a store.  Here are a few examples of brands that do cosy well....


A luxury store spearheading the transition from soulless store space to cosy coffee shop vibes: Browns is the perfect mix of leisure and luxury. As you enter their flagship on Brook Street, you are invited in by the perfume of their richly scented candles, and the cosy feel of their hand painted walls or elaborate carpets.  



Throughout the space there are comfortable furnishings, including velvet armchairs as well as large fireplaces which make you feel as if you were in someone’s house- not a luxury store. As well as this, all their wallpaper is hand painted and inspired by Italian design. A tranquil and harmonious ambience is fostered by the light of their candles and muted pastel-coloured paints and fixtures.    



The focal point of this retail venue is the Zero-waste restaurant built around a cobbled, botanical courtyard. ‘Native’ offers a chance for customers to relax, eat, drink, and cosy up under blankets alongside lit candles and hanging branches…once they have finished shopping inside.   

Maison Assouline 

The cosy interior of this retail space lends itself to the purpose of the products it sells: Books. Flick through the beautiful pages of the travel books that Maison Assouline has to offer from the comfort of their sofas or armchairs. Cold? They even have blankets to snuggle amongst.   

The architecture that features wooden panels and high ceilings, feels grand creating the feel of an old, inviting library- not a building sheltering itself from the hustle and bustle of London’s daily grind. 

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Vintage lamps illuminate their shelves, and ornate rugs decorate the wooden floors. Topping it all off- Assouline offer food and drink available from their bar. All to be enjoyed while you sit and chat with friends. Inspired? Lucky for you, all the furniture on display in this warm and wonderful space is for sale! 


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